Doggy Daystay
​Here at Wandering Willows we like to make sure that your dog has a wholesome and enriching time whether they are here for a day, a week or a month!
Our day-stay option offers a blend of physical and mental enrichment, avoiding the 'play all day' model that can lead to behavioural issues.
Instead our dogs enjoy a mix of one-on-one time, enrichment activities, and supervised group play in our outdoor setting (for social dogs) we prefer quality over quantity when it comes to playtime.
For those seeking regular day stays, it's an excellent way to add variety to your dog's week. Our day stay is designed to complement, not replace, regular walks, training, and home activities, contributing to a well-rounded and happy lifestyle for your furry friend.
Are you curious about your dog's day at Wandering Willows for a Day Stay?
Forming new relationships outside of their normal social group can help build a more confident and fulfilled dog.
Dogs need to arrive no later than 9am and leave no earlier than 3:00 pm
We run a daystay taxi to Kaiwaka and Mangawhai on a Thursday
(Please enquire for times and pricing)
Vaccinations for check-in
Vaccinations for check-in
Nobivac DHPPI - Every 3 Years (Parvovirus, Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parainfluenza)
Nobivac Leptospirosis - Every 1 Year (Leptospirosis)
Nobivac intranasal KC - Every 1 Year (Canine cough)
Nobivac Tricat - Every 3 Years (Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Panleucopaenia Virus).
If your dog(s) or cat(s) boosters have lapsed or it is their first set of vaccinations please allow at least 2 weeks before booking into the Kennels and Cattery.
Please fill out a form before your stay, the vaccinations listed must be up to date.